2014, NYE and onwards

So, having had a slightly turbulent and somewhat challenging and interesting year in many ways family life, work and play…. I have been blessed with a relaxed and fantastic Christmas festive period spent with close family and friends. My cousin and his family stayed over so we could return the favour they extended to us in their awesome French home in the Pyrenees and we had oysters , champagne, Turkey , puddings and all the trimmings on Christmas Day. The rest of the period until New Year’s Eve was spent with my family and enjoying a break from the grind.
NYE, we had a party at our home. Had some great family and friends and random visitors spicing it up too :).
New Year’s Day, well, lovely, cousins family stayed over, they cooked us Breakfast before a lovely walk to the rock pools, albeit rather windy and cold. But the kids loved it. Home for a roast cooked by my cousin and a move for the kids. Shrek 2 :).
Just a little more relaxing to do with a baileys and Tia Maria and 2015 here we come.
2015……well. Exciting and challenging times ahead. A new venture awaits as I work to carve the investor company and career I believe is my destiny and a challenge to ensure all the current work stuff is good and strong for 2015 too.
My family, well Jake and Harry are growing so fast I want to ensure I spend time with them again this year as I have last year and my beautiful wife Abs, well just make sure we get our regular date nights in and stay as connected as we are in all we do. Last but not least, make sure I keep some fun in there for Mark too:).

2015…… Welcome to you….. Here I come.











About Mark Beaumont

Innovative Business Founder. Driven, out of the box thinker.
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