Category Archives: Business

Wave hello

Well, after spending the first half of this year reviewing an assessing the invitation of becoming a Trustee of Wave Leisure, last week at the AGM I was formally signed in as a Trustee. I am excited to be part of a … Continue reading

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Meet the buyer

Today I attended the meet the buyer event for the Rampion wind farm likely to start construction in May 2015 for the onshore phase. It was good to understand the potential for local businesses. But it has not been decided … Continue reading

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Funding the unfundable. I attended a funding event this morning.  Held by Plus Accounting and Invest and Fund.  A good event and useful information for all those businesses that are seeking support in obtaining funding.  That is, so long as … Continue reading

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LEAP year Kickstart

Here is a great picture to end the “LEAP” years work. The winner of the kickstart award for start up businesses was Sarah Hamblin. Starting “Rah Rah juice”. A child’s drink business. I wish her all the luck and I’m … Continue reading

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Ferry good turn around

I am really pleased that after much work and many hours of time from colleagues and friends in Normandie France and Sussex, that the Newhaven to Dieppe ferry service has been granted an extension of subsidy by the French Seine-Maritime … Continue reading

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Starting young to make more social entrepreneurs

Yesterday I wanted to attend a debrief of the peer review of East Sussex County Council which I was involved in as an interviewee. As mummy was away Skiing with her friend, I had Harry with me, son number 2. … Continue reading

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Driving the lifeboat!

What an awesome morning. Look who’s driving , Not every day I get to drive 2500hp of lifeboat! With a big grin I say Thanks to the Newhaven chamber of commerce and the brilliant crew of newhaven RNLI!

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SMART Table playing

I took some of the team up to see the SMART UK showroom  in Bagshot for an overview and update on the Education and Business products today.  In the education products we were introduced to the latest SMART Table, which … Continue reading

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The Best Networking (people I mean, not ICT)

Networking.  Theres so much to business networking that makes it work well.   Yet it is very hard to meet like minds and get a networking meeting together that works as it should. It is so important that all the attendees … Continue reading

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Sussex Express – Spotlight on me

When I attended the breakfast meeting at 7am last week on Wednesday, my name was drawn from the hat containing the names of all of the members of the Newhaven Chambers of Commerce. Which means I have had to write … Continue reading

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